Gleam Point
Logos & Brand
The following guidelines are designed to help you use Gleam Point’s logo, trademarks and other branded content without needing permission. If the use you’re intending differs from the guidelines stated below, we ask you to contact [email protected] and attach a screenshot or mockup to your query.
Logo Clear Space and Sizing
Ensure that there is enough clear open space around Gleam Point logo. The size of the clear space depends on the pixel height of the logo. With a height of 100 px the clear space should at least be 100 px around the logo. At a minimum, the logo’s height should be 30 px.

Our brand colors
Door step poster
Get our ready to print door poster with your special personal listing link via email. Request your poster at [email protected]

- Clearly indicate that you are not the author or developer of Gleam Point.
- Use the Gleam Point logos, badges and posters to represent the Gleam Point brand.
- Use the name “Gleam Point” when referring to our mind mapping tool.
- Use our company name, “Wii Ride”, when referring to our company.
- Don’t rotate the Gleam Point's logo or change its colors.
- Don’t use any other marks or logos to represent our brand.
- Don’t use Gleam Point’s trademark or deceptively similar marks to represent goods or services other than Gleam Point.